Expo 2020 Feature

The WellDana Awartani

A glimpse into the significance of water

  • Location
  • Architect

    Dana Awartani

The Well

The Well 360

Discover The Well in 360°

An ornamentalfountain

The Well explores the spiritual significance water plays within the Islamic tradition. From its side, Dana Awartani’s fountain looks like a chunk of roughly carved stone, one metre tall and flattened out at its top. Gaze down at the fountain from above, however, and a different story reveals itself.

Sabeel Fountains is an Expo 2020 initiative in collaboration with Art Jameel to reimagine the traditional Emirati drinking fountains. Beginning in September 2019 with the Sabeel 2020 open call, winning concepts can now be found across Expo 2020 Dubai.