Kaleidoscope - Opportunity Districtفن ال
تركيبات فنية
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Kaleidoscope is a night-time visitor initiative featuring image projections, light installations and overlarge inflatables situated across the Expo site providing visual surprises over the duration of the event. The initiatives' aims align with the overarching themes of Expo and help support its programme of events including national and international days. Kaleidoscope seeks to deliver an experience that goes beyond pure information and engages visitors physically, intellectually and emotionally. Kaleidoscope will bring Expo to life at night with incredible projection elements, illuminating light artworks and overlarge inflatables that will tell powerful stories in beautiful and immersive ways.
Kaleidoscope - Opportunity District 360
بنطاق 360 درجة Kaleidoscope - Opportunity District استكشف
قريبا فيديو بنطاق 360 درجة
ألبوم الصور
Opportunity District Lite Art