Dignified Storytelling: Unlocking the Mind

Unlocking The Mind

During the course of the pandemic, the world has experienced a period of ambiguity concerning our physical, mental and financial futures. These uncertainties caused by an “unknown” virus also brought about a new wave of social stigmas, causing many echelles of society to be negatively stereotyped and discriminated against with a wave on misinformation across various media platforms. In order to transcend beyond these pressures, many turned to mental health exercises like mindfulness, using the practice as a buffer to counter pandemic related distress. We can cultivate mindfulness by giving attention to our present moment and thoughts as it rewires our minds to adopt more compassionate and empathetic responses to manifest the world we want, a world that values Truth Over Headlines. Marking Health and Wellness week at Expo 2020 Dubai, Dignified Storytelling presents “Unlocking the Mind” to help participants revisit the significance of mental health in order to achieve optimal physical health during and beyond the pandemic. Through a series of academic talks and a guided meditation session, we will learn how to rewire our thought processes. Join us as we hear from Omar Shehadeh, Chief International Participants Officer at Expo 2020 Dubai who will touch on the stigmas created during the the pandemic and the role of media in mitigating or fuelling these threats. We will then hear from Dr. Reem Al Gurg, Director of Strategy and Institutional Excellence at MBRU, as she talks about the importance of academia and public awareness regarding stigmas created by the pandemic. The session continues with Edyta Satchell, founder and CEO Satchelle Global Wellness and Christine Kritzas, psychologist and Education Director of Lighthouse Arabia, who will shed light on the significance of mindsets and nutrition. Finally, Abeer Ayash, Wellness Professional from Home of Wellness will take us through a guided meditation session to help the audience refresh their minds.