Expo Live Impact Series: Simplifying Agricultural Supply Chains (and How Tech Can Help)

Expo Live Series

Simplifying Agricultural Supply Chains (and How Tech Can Help)

This event explores how digital platforms are being utilised to increase demand and boost the confidence of small-hold farmers, by simplifying agricultural supply chains through technological advances.

Speaker of the day

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    Francis Wamucii

    CEO & Co-Founder of Selina Wamucii from Kenya

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    David Davies

    CEO & Founder of AgUnity from Australia

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    Niraj Marathe

    CEO & Co- Founder at CoolCrop from India

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    Francis Wamucii

    CEO & Co-Founder of Selina Wamucii from Kenya

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    David Davies

    CEO & Founder of AgUnity from Australia

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    Niraj Marathe

    CEO & Co- Founder at CoolCrop from India