Live@Expo Ep 32: India Pavilion and Art Installations


Ep 32: India Pavilion and Art Installations

Join us and get immersed in the art installations and landscapes of Ghayath Trail. Then, visit India, a nation where mindfulness is a treasured cultural heritage. Enjoy watching the show and chat on Facebook, YouTube or Twitch account to earn points! Your points convert to Seeds of Change which you can pledge to the cause of your choice. Photosensitivity warning: some locations in Live@Expo broadcasts may feature bright flashing lights that may affect photosensitive viewers.


  • Use your Facebook, YouTube, Tik Tok or Twitch account to join the chat and earn points!

  • Interactive, chat-driven tour co-curated by you, the audience.

  • Earn badges, go on treasure hunts and top the leaderboard!
