Women in Arabia and Islam | Charting the Course of Pioneer Arab and Muslim Women in Health, Past to Present

Women at the Vanguard of Health in the Islamic World

While too often left undocumented, female health care providers have been abundant throughout history, including Islamic history. Rufaidah Al-Aslamiah, living at the time of the Prophet, rose to prominence as she established the first clinic or hospital in the Islamic era, treating both men and women during peace and war times. Rufaidah Al-Aslamiah was the expert in her field, clearly displaying professional excellence exceeding that of many men in the Ummah and for which she and her female team received the Ummah’s confidence and respect. Nowadays, women in the Arab region are once again breaking boundaries. Thanks to new technologies, a whole new industry is booming and blooming under the name of “FemTech”. In the Arab world, the UAE finds itself at the forefront of these new developments.