Aristides Baptista Muhate

Aristides Muhate has 17 years of work experience in the forest sector both with the government and private sector. He started his career in 2004 as a technician in the Forest Department at the National Directorate of Forest and Wildlife, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. In 2006 He was appointed Head of Department of Forest and Wildlife at the Provincial Forestry Services in Nampula. He joined the Private sector to work in a Carbon Project in Cheringoma and Gorongosa, working at the Nhambita and Zambezi Delta Projects for 6 years. In 2014 Aristides re-joined the Government (MICOA) as a technical assistant for REDD+ projects in Maputo, where he was involved in the development of the first jurisdictional REDD+ project (under the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility) in 9 districts of the Zambezia Province.
