Dr. Reem Al-Mealla

Dr. Reem Al Mealla is the Research Manager at the Bahrain Institute for Pearls and Gemstones (DANAT) and a marine biologist by profession. She is the first Bahraini woman field ecologist and holds a PhD in Marine Biology from the University of Essex (UK) & a MSc in Ecology, Evolution and Conservation from Imperial College London (UK). She was awarded the Abel Imray Award (joint) from the University of Essex for the best outstanding research project of the year 2010 in an ecological based project and the M.E.I (Motivational. Empowering and Inspiring) Women's Award in 2017 by the University of Essex in celebration of International Women's Day. She specialises in coral reef ecology and has over 10 years of field research experience in tropical and sub-tropical environments. 
