Hon. Nanaia Mahuta, Minister of Foreign Affairs of New Zealand, Live From the Women's Pavilion

New Zealand

Vision and Journeys

In the 2020 Labour Government, Hon. Nanaia Mahuta became New Zealand’s first woman to hold the Foreign Affairs portfolio. She is also Minister of Local Government, and Associate Minister for Māori Development. Originally elected in 1996, aged 26 years, she was the youngest member of the New Zealand House of Representatives. Nanaia holds an MA in social anthropology and Maori business from the University of Auckland. Nanaia is a tribal member of Waikato-Tainui, Ngāti Maniapoto and Ngāti Manu and her parliamentary experience has enabled her to contribute to the collective aspirations of Maori and all New Zealanders. During her time in Parliament, Nanaia has supported policies and initiatives to assist communities and social services, improved investment in education, offered more employment and training opportunities particularly for young people, supported the continuation of the Treaty settlement process and boosted specific initiatives to improve the wellbeing of young mums and those who are vulnerable and victims of abuse. If you would like to join this session in person at the Women's Pavilion Majlis, RSVP to: wpmajlis.guest@auditoire.com
