Water-Food-Energy Summit (Day 1)

Day 1

Uniting Water, Food and Energy

Clean water, food and energy are critical for survival, and its absence can impact the health, food security, and livelihoods of families across the world and that of future generations. As we move towards a global population of 10 billion in 2050, there is increasing pressure on current ecosystems to meet the burgeoning demand for these resources without further eroding the ecosystem. The Kingdom of Jordan, Netherlands and UAE have been at the forefront of the water, food, and energy (WFE) nexus and have been collaborating to advance innovative approaches within this space. Through this summit the co-curators aim to increase the collective understanding of the interdependent relationships between water, food, and energy security and solutions that integrate the three amidst the on-going collaborations between the three countries on this front. This trilateral summit, a first of its kind, will provide a platform for exchange of information, promising practices and learnings for increased water, food and energy security while strengthening regional and international policies and cooperation.
