World Majlis | Everyday (S)Heroes: Leading the Charge Towards the Global Goals

World Majlis

Leading the Charge Towards the Global Goals

Ensuring equality and greater opportunities for women could be a deciding factor in our success at achieving a better future for people and the planet. Fostering equal rights for women has been a priority for some time. In 1995, the declaration of the World Conference on Women in Beijing highlighted 12 key areas where urgent action was needed to ensure greater equality for both women and men. Today, our success or failure in that task will decide what our collective future looks like. Studies of women in leadership positions show that they are more likely to make decisions that focus on social and environmental issues alongside the “bottom line”. That is not to say the bottom line suffers. A study in 2015 actually showed the economic gains produced by advancing women’s equality: as much as $12 trillion could be added to global GDP. With proven connections between women’s empowerment, and economic, social and environmental sustainability, how can we empower women to ensure a better future for all?
